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Quick Knot


If you've ever tried to make braids for your horse, you know it can be a time-consuming task. But what if we told you there's an innovative tool that simplifies and speeds up the braiding process? Meet Quick Knot braid pins, a unique product that takes horse care to the next level. In this blog, we'll delve deeper into how Quick Knot works and why it's such a handy addition for horse enthusiasts.


What is Quick Knot?

Quick Knot is a revolutionary tool that significantly facilitates the process of making braids for your horse. Instead of using a needle and thread, Quick Knot utilizes a metal clip. This clip is inserted through the braid and then folded over, securely holding the braid in place. All you need is an elastic band to create the braid. It's a convenient solution for horse owners who want to make braids quickly and efficiently.

How to use Quick Knot braid pins:

Using Quick Knot braid pins is simple and effective

  • Create braids with the desired thickness and secure them with an elastic band.
  • Roll the braid up until it forms a neat, tight knot.
  • Insert the Quick Knot through the knot from top to bottom.
  • Ensure the pin of the clip is in the middle of the knot.
  • Fold the pin of the clip over the knot.
  • To remove Quick Knot, simply unfold the pin and pull it out from the top of the knot.

Are Quick Knots reusable?

Yes, Quick Knots are reusable thanks to their new patented design. The pins now stay even better in the mane, making Quick Knot safer and more durable than ever before.

What sizes and colors are available for Quick Knot braid pins?

Quick Knot braid pins come in two sizes: Quick Knot Deluxe Standard and Quick Knot Deluxe XL for extra thick manes. Furthermore, they are available in three colors: black, brown, and white, allowing you to choose the perfect option that matches your horse's color.

How long can you leave braids in a horse's mane with Quick Knot?

With Quick Knot, you can braid horses the day before a competition because the knots stay in place all night. This saves you precious time on the day of the competition.

Are Quick Knot braid pins suitable for all hair types?

Yes, Quick Knot braid pins are suitable for different hair types, both thin and thick hair.

Do Quick Knot braid pins damage the hair?

No, Quick Knot braid pins do not damage the hair. To remove them, simply bend the base of the pin and pull the straightened pin out. This leaves no hair behind and does not damage the hair.

How many pins are typically needed for one braid?

Usually, you need one Quick Knot Deluxe pin per braid. The exact number depends on how many braids you want to make in the mane, typically 9, 11, or 13 braids per mane.

Are Quick Knot braid pins suitable for children or beginners?

Yes, Quick Knot Deluxe is very user-friendly and suitable for beginners. Children can also use them, but under the supervision of an adult. There's even an instructional video featuring an 11-year-old rider demonstrating how easy it is to make Quick Knot braids.

Are Quick Knots reliable?

Yes, Quick Knot Deluxe has been extensively tested in various equestrian disciplines by both experts and individuals. With over 25 million pins sold worldwide since its launch on November 12, 2022, you can trust that Quick Knot delivers on its promises.

Where can I purchase Quick Knot braid pins?

You can purchase Quick Knot Deluxe on the official website www.hes-tec.com or from one of the 100 distributors in over 30 countries.

Can I get a discount if I buy large quantities of Quick Knot braid pins?

Yes, Quick Knot Deluxe is available in bundles on the website www.hes-tec.com. If you're interested in wholesale purchases, you can send a message to info@hes-tec.com for B2B pricing.

Are there video tutorials on how to use Quick Knot?

Yes, Quick Knot Deluxe provides instructional videos on their website and on their YouTube channel, Quick Knot Official. These videos walk you through step by step on how to use Quick Knot braid pins.

What sets Quick Knot braid pins apart from traditional hairpins or clips?

Quick Knot Deluxe distinguishes itself with its innovative design, which simplifies and speeds up the braiding process. It offers a modern alternative to the traditional way of braiding manes, while preserving the art of horse care.

Can I use Quick Knot braid pins on wet hair?

Yes, you can also use Quick Knot Deluxe braid pins on wet hair, which can be useful if your horse has just been in the rain or had a wash.

In summary, Quick Knot braid pins are a valuable addition for horse enthusiasts, whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider. They provide a convenient and reliable solution for mane braiding.

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Pink Horse partnerem MR Pony

Pink Horse bylo partnerem MČR pony Zduchovice 2023.


 26.08.2023 20:51 | AUTOR: Lucie Spiwoková



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Foto: Jan Matuška